Board of Directors Queste Communications Ltd

Farooq Khan LLB, BJuris (UWA)

Executive Chairman and Managing Director

Farooq Khan was appointed as a director of Queste Communications Ltd on 10 March 1998.

Farooq Khan is a qualified lawyer having previously practised principally in the field of corporate law. Mr Khan has extensive experience in the securities industry, capital markets and the executive management of ASX-listed companies. In particular, Mr Khan has guided the establishment and growth of a number of public listed companies in the investment, mining and financial services sector. He has considerable experience in the fields of capital raisings, mergers and acquisitions and investments.

Mr Khan is currently an Executive Chairman of Orion Equities Limited (ASX:OEQ) (since 23 October 2006) and Bentley Capital Limited (ASX:BEL) (since 2 December 2003).

Mr Khan is also an Executive Chairman (appointed in December 2015; Director since 1 October 2015) of Strike Resources Limited (ASX:SRK) and Executive Director of Lithium Energy Limited (ASX:LEL) (since 14 January 2021).


Yaqoob Khan BCom (UWA), MBA (CMU)

Non-Executive Director

Yaqoob Khan was appointed as a director of Queste Communications Ltd on 10 March 1998.

After working for several years in the Australian Taxation Office, Yaqoob Khan completed his postgraduate Master’s degree and commenced work as a senior executive responsible for product marketing, costing systems and production management. Mr Khan has been an integral member of the team responsible for the pre-IPO structuring and IPO promotion of a number of ASX floats and has been involved in the management of such companies. Mr Khan brings considerable international experience in key aspects of corporate finance and the strategic analysis of listed investments.

Yaqoob Khan is currently a Non-Executive Director of Orion Equities Limited (ASX:OEQ) (since 5 November 1999).


Victor Ho BCom, LLB (UWA), CTA

Executive Director and Company Secretary

Victor Ho was appointed as a company secretary of Queste Communications Ltd on 10 March 1998, and then appointed as an Executive Director on 3 April 2013.

Victor Ho has been in Executive roles with a number of ASX-listed companies across the investments, resources and technology sectors over the past 25+ years. Mr Ho is a Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) and previously had 9 years’ experience in the taxation profession with the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and in a specialist tax law firm.

Mr Ho has been actively involved in the investment management of listed investment companies (as an Executive Director and/or a member of the Investment Committee), the structuring and execution of a number of corporate, M&A and international joint venture (in South America (Peru, Chile and Argentina), Indonesia and the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and Oman)) transactions, capital raisings, resources project (debt) financing, spin-outs/demergers and IPO’s/re-listings on ASX and capital management initiatives and has extensive experience in public company administration, corporations’ law, ASIC/ASX compliance and investor/shareholder relations.

Victor Ho is the Executive Director and Company Secretary of Orion Equities Limited (ASX:OEQ) (Director since 4 July 2003; Secretary since 2 August 2000) and Strike Resources Limited (ASX:SRK) (Director since 24 January 2014; Secretary since 1 October 2015).

Mr Ho is also the Company Secretary of Bentley Capital Limited (ASX:BEL) (since 5 February 2004) and Lithium Energy Limited (ASX:LEL) (since 14 January 2021) .